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HSPE Services

Epidemiology + Subject Matter Knowledge + Collaboration = Evaluation

Finance Consultancy
Implementation Planning

Data Collection

Measuring Impacts and Effects


A Comprehensive Approach


A Unique Approach to Generate Understanding

Data Collection


  • Advise on survey technology most appropriate for your organization's needs

  • Pilot survey to ensure it is eliciting information effectively 

  • Adept at focus groups, unstructured, structured, and semi-structured interviewing approaches 


Utilize Existing Data Sources

  • Administrative​ record review

  • Incorporate previous evaluation work 


Needs Assessment​

  • Identify existing data and knowledge gaps so that only useful data is gathered 



Evaluation Approach

Full Lifecycle

  • Guide your organization on standing up a cyclical MEL system that will allow for continuous learning

  • Experienced project management will inform keeping progress on track, developing workplans, and identifying roles and responsibilities



  • Advise on appropriate evaluation framework for your organization's needs, clear targeting of evaluation questions, indicators, analysis methods, and a final product that will be utilized with buy-in from relevant stakeholders


Theory of Change v Logic Models​

  • HSPE excels in identifying the causality in how your organization's program is achieving its goals, and critically, in measuring appropriate indicators


  • Context is often causal in health and social programming. The mediators of modifiers of the program's impact are often unknown and difficult to identify. HSPE draws on epidemiologic methods to map the program's connections between activities and outcomes as they take place in their contexts

  • HSPE prioritizes mixed methods in order to best contextualize quantitative effects in their context to fully understand program logic.  

  • HSPE also utilizes quasi-experimental methods as possible. We see marrying the ability to suggest causality with evaluation's utility for programmatic organizations as a major advantage. 

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